The purpose of this committee shall be to issue memoranda and letters outlining BAMIT positions on key issues and concerns and to represent the interests of BAMIT stakeholders, especially the students, to the MIT administration:
by maintaining relationships with senior MIT administrators
by scheduling meetings as appropriate with MIT Administration to communicate issues and concerns
by participating on MIT committees and working groups of interest to BAMIT
by establishing key metrics by which to measure the State of Black Affairs (quality of Black life) at MIT, including collect the data and using the data in advocacy efforts
Communications Committee
The Communications Committee exists to oversee the development, production and coordination of all external communication of relevant information to BAMIT membership and valued partners. The purpose of the Communications Committee is to:
Support the purpose and mission of BAMIT through strategic external communications goals and objectives;
Develop and sustain BAMIT’s unique brand and industry leadership with BAMIT’s membership and external audience;
Promote BAMIT’s vision of empowering the next generation Black leaders, innovators, and dreamers at MIT and beyond;
Maximize all BAMIT communications channels to expand BAMIT’s membership and external audience.
The purpose of this committee shall be to:
prepare and present the annual budget to the Board of Directors for presentation at the annual meeting
provide recommendations and guidance to the Board of Directors and committees on the use of funds
recommend policies related to BAMIT’s financial operations
recommend strategies for investing BAMIT’s assets
oversee any auditing or review activities related to BAMIT’s accounts, vendors, and financial operations.
Governance Committee
The purpose of the Governance Committee is to act as the keeper of the conduct of operations for the board, to effectively support BAMIT’s mission and to provide oversight of its constituent parts. The mission of the Governance Committee is to work behind the scenes, providing systems and formulating policies that make all other actions of the board work with hospitability, security and effectiveness.
Membership Committee
As BAMIT is a “membership-driven” organization, it is the responsibility of the Membership Committee to connect with and engage the black community: alumni, current students, faculty, and staff of MIT. More specifically, purpose of this committee shall be to:
maintain the membership list and prepare and distribute a membership roster at least once a year;
oversee the development of the annual membership drive including the collection of dues; and
develop and maintain a long-range plan for increasing and maintaining participation from all eligible sectors of the MIT alumni/ae body and others eligible for membership.
Outreach & Engagement Committee
The purpose of the Outreach & Engagement Committee is to:
Improve the overall well-being of Black MIT students by serving as a bridge between students and BAMIT to help them address the pressures and stresses of Black life at MIT and provide perspectives of life after MIT;
Investigate avenues of outreach and engagement that will improve the Black experience at MIT; and
Serve as a unifying force across MIT Black student organizations, Institute offices supporting Black students, and Black faculty.
Programming Committee
The purpose of the Programming Committee is to develop national events and programs in-line with the mission of BAMIT. BAMIT has a commitment to enhancing the strength of the black community via programs that take place on the MIT campus, within regional chapters, or within communities across the world that support the organization’s mission.
Resource Development and Fundraising Committee
The purpose of the Resource Development and Fundraising Committee is to develop and implement fundraising initiatives to support BAMIT programming and organizational sustainability.
Nominations Committee
The purpose of this committee shall be to:
Identify a slate of candidates to be presented for election for all open Officer and Board positions;
oversee the production and mailing of the ballot to the general membership;
conduct the election including the distribution of ballots and the announcement of election results; and
take responsibility for the production of a final report of election results that is mailed to membership.
External Nominations Committee
The purpose of the External Nominations Committee is to make nominations on behalf of BAMIT for awards, recognition, leadership positions, and committee membership within MIT, the MIT Alumni Association, and other groups external to BAMIT. Nominees shall be deserving members of the MIT Community or others able to make strong contributions to the MIT Community.